We amplify marginalized voices and create meaningful work for those experiencing poverty

We amplify marginalized voices and create meaningful work for those experiencing poverty

Calendar Delivery, Subscriptions & Back Issues

Though we encourage everyone to buy directly from a vendor, we know that’s not always possible and we’re here to help!

Hope in Shadows Delivery

People outside Vancouver or otherwise unable to access vendors can order the Hope in Shadows calendar for delivery. For bulk orders contact operations@megaphonemagazine.com

Megaphone Subscriptions

Your one-year (12 issues) subscription helps to support Megaphone Magazine and its vendors. A $50 subscription guarantees 1 issue per month delivered to your door.

Megaphone and Voices of the Street Back Issues

Megaphone vendors carry the current Megaphone issue, and may carry up to three months of back issues. Back issues not carried by vendors can be downloaded in PDF format. Digital back issues are free, but tips at checkout are appreciated and distributed to active vendors.

To buy from a vendor, use our Find a Vendor map or Pay a Vendor directly.